AUDIO: Interview with Dr Oliver Robinson: Is the quarter-life crisis worse for women?

We met up with Dr Oliver Robinson from the University of Greenwich in London, to ask him a few questions about the quarter-life crisis. He talked about gender and whether the qlc really is just whining, as a few people have dared to suggest

Here’s what Dr Robinson said.

AUDIO: What people wish they’d known before they turned 25

Twenty five is a BIG one. You’re half way through your twenties and elderly relatives might start asking you who you’re going to marry. Or why you’re still working at the pub and haven’t finished your MA yet. Or why you’re still living in your parents’ basement.

But don’t listen to your relatives and family friends, listen to these savvy 25+ folks who told us what they wish they’d known before they got half way to 30. ENJOY!


Once you’ve listened to the Soundcloud, let us know what advice you’d give to the under-25s. Tweet us your suggestions at @QLClueless or post them here below!

Note: The song featured in the audio, ‘I’m only twenty’ by Sonny Shotz, can be found here should you want to listen right the way through. (SPOILER: He’s still only twenty at the end)

Can dating apps help cure a Quarter-Life Crisis?

In our latest podcast we discuss whether dating apps, such as Tinder, can help make QLCs that little bit easier.

Image courtesy of

Image courtesy of

In an attempt to wade through the world of Plenty of Fish, Tinder and OkCupid! we speak to Eve Simmons of Apphrodite – a new and exciting blog exploring the realms of dating apps. In the podcast we discuss whether dating apps really are helping people, why they’re using them and what you can do to avoid being the perpetually single one amongst your friends. Have a listen and we hope you enjoy our pearls of wisdom.

Audio: Things to do before you turn 25. #1 GO ON A BLIND DATE

We’ve had a look at the many, many lists out there of things you’re supposed to do before you turn 25.

Some of them make sense (‘like yourself’), some sound unnerving (‘spend 24 hours in isolation’–watch out for our next installment….) and lots that you (hopefully hopefully) did many years ago (‘get an email address that nobody else has access to’).

Most of them are, however, ridiculous and there is no reason you should have done them by the arbitrary age of 25. Or 95. or 32.

 So we’re going to try some of the ones we think are a) stupid b) doable c)both stupid and doable and then you can listen to us chat about what it was like.

Challenge #1 GO ON A BLIND DATE.

Hear what our blogger thought of his blind date experience. (AUDIO-AWK?)